Saturday, 22 August 2009

Victim applauds pension refusal

Aug 21 2009 by Craig Robertson, Dumfries Standard Friday

A VICTIM of rapist cop Adam Carruthers fears the sex beast will launch an appeal against a court refusal to reinstate his pension.

Jane Dearie, who has waived her right to anonymity, praised Wednesday’s decision by Sheriff Kenneth Ross at Dumfries which threw out the 47-year-old former Langholm inspector’s claim to an £13,053-a-year pension and a £56,654 lump sum.

But she admitted: “After the last 12 years of Carruthers’ many legal appeals and actions, I will not be surprised if he appeals this decision if he can.

“Time will tell.”

The vile ex-copper was released last year following his 2001 conviction for the brutal rape of two women.

While he was inside, employers Dumfries and Galloway Council cut his pension by 65 per cent, deeming his actions had led to a serious loss of confidence in the public service.

That leaves Carruthers with only the £4,860-a-year he has contributed himself.

His move to claim back the money during a three-day hearing at Dumfries Sheriff Court in June angered many because he was using legal aid.

Any appeal would likely require more of that cash.

Yesterday, his legal team at Alexander George and Co in Banff, Aberdeenshire, refused to comment if he would appeal.

Jane added: “This is the most sensible piece of news that could come out of the case where income tax and council tax payers’ money footed Carruthers’ legal aid bill for his attempt to get his full police pension re-instated.

“Had Carruthers been successful in this ridiculous quest, it would have given the potential for any employee who had committed rape through the course of their employment the ability to claim and receive their full pension – thus making rape a pensionable occupation.

Writing in her online blog, she said: “I’m sure I don’t have to spell out how dreadful such a decision would have been and what message it would give out to the perpetrators of such heinous crimes as well as to their victims.”

The court decision was also welcomed by Dumfries MSP Elaine Murray: “I am pleased that sense has prevailed.

“He used his job as a senior police officer to abuse his victims and should not be recompensed for having done so.”


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